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Selectmen Minutes 01/28/2014
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Members Present:  Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Budget Committee Present:  Mike Williams, Jason Weir, Don Peterman, Marlene Hammond, Norm Larochelle, Steve McCleary, Ed Millette

Moderator: Doug Hall

Others Present: Alan Quimby, Matt Cole, Donna Chagnon, Lucille Noel, Carolee Davison, Steve Stock, Jon Martell,  Ann Davis, Bob Mann, Philip Hitchcock, Mrs. Millette

Call to Order:  Mr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:00pm

The Selectmen would like to thank the Budget Committee for all of their hard work. They would also like to thank the department heads for their hard work as well.

Open Public Hearing 6:02 pm

Mr.  Hall went over how the public hearing will be held and encouraged any and all questions. The budget has both revenues and taxes that will be reviewed.

Mr. Paveglio stated that revenues tend to be a confusing area. These are numbers that are projected for the year and they are lower as they will be adjusted later in the year. In October we chose to use $129,372 from fund balance to offset the tax rate. This did bring the town below the recommended 5% retention.

Revenues were reviewed. Total estimated revenue for 2014 is $811,529.

Budget was reviewed:

Mrs. Millette stated that she had noticed some salary increases. Was there an across the board salary increase?

Mr. DeBold stated a comparison was done and most of the positions were less than the median. These increases are considered a market adjustment. Some positions got a 5% and the majority got a 3%.

Mrs. Millette asked for an explanation of the water source funding in the fire department budget for $4,000.

Mr. Paveglio explained that this was a warrant article last year and that plan has changed. The fire department will be completing two a year and place it in the budget to stay in line with the 10 year plan.

Mr. Mann asked under road reconstruction what the plan was. This is considerably less than year.

Mr. Jordan stated that we recommended two sections one on section on Horse corner Road and the first section of the Bear Hill. This board lowered it to the $218,000 to complete those sections. It was requested by the RAC for $373,000.

Mr. Weir stated that the Health Officer Expenses should be raised from $0 to $1.

Warrant article #8 needs to be added to budget line 4916 to reflect an accurate amount. The number needs to be changed from $0 to $10,000.

Mr. Paveglio reviewed why he recommended reducing the road reconstruction line which was to help support the capital reserve funds as they are historically underfunded.

Mrs. Davison wanted to make it known that the $5,000 request from the library was rolled into the Town Facilities CRF so that when the library needs something this is where is will come from.

Mr. Mann asked about the backhoe loader warrant article if it was replacing a piece of equipment. What is the reasoning behind leasing instead of buying?

Mr. Weir this is level budget funding. If we were to purchase it at the $98,000 there would be a spike in the budget and we are trying to stay as level as possible.

Mr. Mann stated an interest rate for a backhoe would be hirer in a lease payment when we are only receiving maybe a ½ % return on the town investments.

Mr. Weir stated I am not sure that the interest return comes into play. The reason for CRF is to level fund not to earn interest. This can be a delicate balance at times.

Public Hearing was closed at 6:45pm

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of 1,956,985 to defray Town charges for the ensuing year.  This article does not include special or individual articles addressed below. (Operating Budget) (Majority vote required) The Board of Selectmen recommend this article.  The Advisory Budget Committee does recommend/not recommend this article. (Approximate Tax Impact $4.49)
Budget Committee 7:0 in favor
Selectmen 3:0 in favor

To see if the will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000 for the purpose of purchasing and outfitting a Forestry/Utility Vehicle for the Fire Department. $30,000 to be withdrawn from the Forestry Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund and $20,000 to be raised by general taxation. The Selectmen recommend this article. The Advisory Budget Committee does recommend/not recommend this article. (Approximate Tax Impact $0.08)
Budget Committee 3 in favor 4 not
Selectmen 2 in favor 1 not

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $172,500 to be deposited into each of the following Capital Reserve Funds; the amount of $172,500 is to be raised by general taxation. (Majority vote required) The Board of Selectmen does recommend this article.  The Selectmen recommend this article. The Advisory Budget Committee does recommend this article. (Approximate Tax Impact $0.66)
a.      Fire Department Breathing Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund        $30,000
b.      Fire Truck Capital Reserve Fund $50,000
c.      Rescue Vehicle                                                          $ 60,000
d.      Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Fund $  7,500
e.      Town Facilities Capital Reserve Fund                                                           $ 15,000
f.      Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund                                                      $ 10,000
        Budget Committee 7:0
        Selectmen 3:0

To see if the town will vote to establish a Government Vehicle Maintenance Expendable Trust Fund per RSA 31:19-a, for the maintenance and upkeep of town vehicles and to raise and appropriate $10,000 to put in the fund, with the amount to come from taxation; further name the selectmen as agents to expend from the fund. The Selectmen recommend this article. The Advisory Budget Committee does recommend this article. (Approximate Tax Impact $0.04)
Budget Committee 7:0
Selectmen 3:0

To see if the town will vote to authorize the selectmen to enter into a ten (10) year lease/purchase agreement in the amount Ninety Eight Thousand Dollars ($98,000) for the purchase of a Backhoe/Loader for the Highway Department, and raise and appropriate the sum of (Ten Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty-Nine Dollars ($10,729) for the first year’s payment for that purpose. This lease contains an escape clause. The Advisory Budget Committee does recommend/not recommend this article. (Approximate Tax Impact $0.04) (Majority vote required)
Budget Committee 4:3 in favor
Selectmen 3:0

Other Business:
Loudon Fire Truck Contract
Chief Quimby informed the board the lease agreement for the Loudon Truck is up in February and we are looking to change the rental agreement to a month to month lease agreement. Consensus of the board was to move forward with a month to month lease agreement as the fire truck should be ready by the end of March.

Outstanding Items:
Abatements - The selectmen had received an abatement request that had been reviewed by the assessor.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to accept the recommendation of the assessor to abate these taxes on Map 2 Lot 81, 9 Bailey Road. Motion Passes

The selectmen would like to meet with the assessor and discuss the abatements in March.

Mr. Weir stated he had the concerns about having to process all of these abatements and the costs to the taxpayer.

Public Input

Dave Colbert stated he is concerned about salt the in people’s well. I contacted two selectmen about the salt being dumped outside. This issue is ongoing regarding salt mitigation. We appropriated $138,000 for this issue. We are still having issues with salt being dumped outside. The administration should be addressing this and I had asked that this be put into the minutes I have not seen it in the minutes. Last June I had brought pictures to this board showing sanders being left on the ground outside. I have never seen anything brought to light or in the minutes. After the amount of money that we are spending I feel this is not being resolved.

Mr. DeBold stated for the public’s information I did receive a call from you regarding your concern and I went down to look at the issue and I personally spoke with Jim. He was surprised to see it and called over his workers. One driver stated that he had cleaned out his sander in that area. Jim informed both of the drivers’ right there that they are not supposed to do this.

Mr. Paveglio stated in regards to the salt funds we are putting treatment systems in a few homes, as well as monitoring other wells. We are also going to put a dam across the door way and load trucks inside the shed and not outside. We also have a site plan being put together to mitigate the entire process. I am not sure why we have not received this plan as of yet. We are also putting a door across the salt shed of some type. The highway department also needs a written policy regarding salt practices so that the Road Agent has something to follow.

Mr. Weir stated that if the employees are not listening to the bosses. This will happen again.

Mr. Colbert stated that for the amount of attention that this issue has drawn you would think that the Road Agent would tell them that they are not allowed to dump salt outside. We spent a quarter of million dollars on mitigation for this issue. But I have pictures of sanders that were still sitting there from the previous year. Enough is enough.

Mr. Weir asked how we can get this taken care. This is something that needs to be addressed and I want to see this board take some action regarding this issue. This is a systematic problem that needs to be addressed and it needs to be taken seriously. That is a directive that has to come from you guys.

Mr. Jordan stated of course we take this seriously we have spent numerous hours on this issue. We have meet with the community and we are continuously working on this.

Mr. DeBold stated you are right that this has cost the town hundreds of thousands of dollars. The serious, serious damage that was done long before any of us.

Mr. Colbert stated the numbers were starting to look better 6 years ago and asked how are our numbers now? Maybe the numbers are getting worse.

Mr. Paveglio stated the levels have gone down but there are other issues that still needed to be addressed that is why we hired a firm.

Mr. Weir stated the levels will never go down when salt is outside but it needs to be taken seriously.

Mr. Plunkett stated that they are no longer salting the parking lot at the highway shed, and Bear Hill Rd from the entrance of the highway department to Route 28.

Mr. Colbert stated in my opinion I have seen this highway department treated differently than the previous road agent. This is the first highway department that can purchase materials during the winter months. The previous road agent had to bid ever type of material and it had to be purchased in the summer. That shed at the highway department was built for sand.

Mr. Weir stated if it is not in the minutes you do not take it seriously that is the impression.

Mr. Colbert stated I have tried to stay out of his business down there and but I just don’t think he is doing a good job.

Mr. DeBold asked Mr. Colbert how he felt that job of treating the roads was being done.

Mr. Colbert stated I may have caught him on an off day. I don’t want to voice an opinion on that.

Mr. Mayville stated I think the roads have been better this year.

Mr. Colbert stated that the roads are crowned somewhat but it seems like there is more material on the side of the roads than it has in the past. I can’t imagine it’s cost effective but that is his decision.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3 (e) Consideration or negotiation of pending litigation which has been threatened in writing or filed against the public body or any subdivision thereof, or against any member thereof, because of his or her membership in such public body, until the claim or litigation has been fully adjudicated or otherwise settled. Any application filed for tax abatement, pursuant to law, with anybody or board shall not constitute a threatened or filed litigation against public body for purposes of this subparagraph. Jordan Aye, DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to exit non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3 (e). Jordan Aye, DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to seal the non-public meeting minutes. Jordan Aye, DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to rescind abatement for Map 2 Lot 81, 9 Bailey Road and to reconsideration after consultation with the assessor. Motion Passes

Shaw Field
Have both men come to the meeting on February 11 and speak with the board about the use of the field.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:10pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Not approved until signed

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold  D. Michael Paveglio